Ant Law The No-Nosed Puppet [Vinyl 1lp+Down  
Category: n/a Release: 09/08/2019 Label: n/a Unit: 1Format: LP EAN: 3760131270877


    A1 - The No-Nosed Puppet (6:37)
    A2 - Brushes (5:09)
    A3 - Blood And Sand (6:37)
    B1 - Two Blue Circles (For Muhal Richard Abrams) (5:51)
    B2 - Extemporize An Untidy Conclusion (Variations On Themes By Ellington And Messiaen) (11:02)
    B3 - Louise Knows (4:21)

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Ant Law

The No-Nosed Puppet [Vinyl 1lp+Down

1 LP


1 - 5 days / 95%